Tools of the trade

We use several support tools to get the background data we need to help us better understand your business, your people and the teams they work in. They help us to identify issues, address them, optimise how your business works which helps you save money and make money too.

Some of our tools support individuals to begin a journey of self-awareness to becoming a better managers, team members, or members of staff. Some of our tools support culture change.

We help to make people self-aware so they can work on their positives, and often we find that  they aren’t aware of how good they are. The information they generate forms the basis of our coaching work, individual development and helps us to write processes to support the demographics of your people.

All the tools we use are factual and have been devised or written by psychologists. They help us to do what we do, well. We go. We see. We (help you) conquer!

Buzz Sessions

Over the last few years we’ve developed a series of Buzz Sessions. These sessions are delivered within 60 minutes and are fast-paced  interactive and fun, and are based on principles developed by the Tavistock Institute and Harvard Business School. Each Buzz Session has a dedicated workbook, and the topics covered include:

Buzz Session Workbooks

  • Conflict Management
  • Running Effective Meetings
  • Delegation & Time Management
  • Communication Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Upselling Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Assertiveness & Self Esteem
  • Presentation Skills
  • Continuous Improvement

Get your very own Buzz Session

If you’re interested in Alisar running a Buzz Session for your organisation, contact us via the form below.


We ensure our coaching sessions are as bespoke as possible, which is key to the way we coach. Sometimes we organise leadership courses with peers or we carry out one-to-one coaching. Sometimes it’s a combination. Our leadership coaching suits staff at all levels:

  • First-time managers who are supervising staff for the first time
  • Full supervisors
  • Directors & board members

Ongoing support

This involves holding coaching sessions to suit the needs of the individual or the business at least every quarter, although every month is most beneficial. We find that regular sessions or workshops help to keep everyone we work with focused. And although we work with clients all over the globe we’re easily accessible by email and phone.

DiSC™DiSC® Profiling

The DiSC® family of behavioural profiling tools has 30 years of proven reliability and over 50 million users worldwide. Inscape’s DiSC® solutions are the most trusted learning instrument in the industry. Find out more

Ishikawah diagram

Ishikawah diagram

Ishikawah diagram

Another Alisar tool is commonly known as the fish diagram. We use it a little differently to other ‘fish diagram practitioners’ (find them via Google!):

  • The fish’s head is the positive or where you want to get to
  • The tail is the issue (or where you are today)
  • The bones illustrate what stops you getting there AND
  • We also use the bones to illustrate what you do well.

When we do root cause analysis we delve into the reasons why an organisation is good at what they do.

This is very different approach to many other consultancies, who look for problems and solutions often focusing on the negative. We focus on understanding why you’re good then that helps you to understand why things have gone wrong.

High Performing Teams

High Performing Teams

High performing team analysis

This process is at the core of what we do. It informs everything we do and areas covered in the analysis are pertinent to the way Alisar works. We don’t work on technical skills (we presume you’re good at your job anyway!), we work on all the other elements to support your technical skills. Find out more

Review. Learn. Improve (RLI)

RLI is a big part of how Alisar works and we aim to instil this philosophy into the businesses we support:

  • Review Everything You Do – to understand what you do well,
  • Learn From What You Do – to focus on positive aspects of the business and the team
  • Improve Everything You Do – to work hands-on adopting a “show not tell” approach, in other words show someone how something works, why it works and why it is important to them.

Review Improve LearnWe use the feedback we receive from our clients to analyse our own performance, and conduct our own RLI.

VAKUs Questionnaire

VAKUs is an acronym spelling out different communication styles:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinaesthetic
  • Uncategorised (if you use a combination of all three).

The questionnaire is designed to uncover your preferred communication style. Knowing this helps you to communicate with others and recognise the verbal clues that provide insights into the way others communicate such as “Do you see eye to eye?”, “Does what they say ring a bell?” or “Does it feel good to you?”

Find out more

To find out how Alisar could support your organisation’s leaders, managers and develop potential managers, we’d be happy to discuss your requirements – just complete our short contact form and we’ll be in touch very soon.

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